Portfolio - La Banca
This website featured:
- Coded entirely in PHP to make the website more easily maintainable
- Dynamic design - content drawn from a MySQL database
- A Google-friendly site structure to facilitate SEO
- Open Graph meta tags on every page of the site
- FIR (Fahrner Image Replacement) technique for the banner
- CSS fonts using the @font-face system for the text content
- A CSS powered drop-down menu with a Javascript backup for older browsers
- A bespoke content management system
I wanted to create a classical and “Romanesque” impression so I based the design of the banner on the wallpaper in the restaurant and carried through some of the elements into the rest of the design.
I created a bespoke content management system so that the owners could update not only the opening times but which also had a menu building system that incorporated a dish “library” for rapid menu creation as well as a menu printing sytem so that the physical menus available at the restaurant would match the style and appearance of the ones online, without the need to spend hours fiddling with a word processor to get the menu to look right.
This company ceased trading so this website no longer exists.