Portfolio - Southeast Region Dressage
This website features:
- Coded entirely in PHP to make the website more easily maintainable
- Dynamic design - content drawn from a MySQL database
- A Google-friendly site structure to facilitate SEO
- Open Graph meta tags on every page of the site
- CSS fonts using the @font-face system
- The schedule, results, news, training and notices systems integrated with the Dressage Ireland database (PHP, MySQL)
- E-mail addresses viewable and clickable but hidden from spambots using a bespoke Javascript obfuscation technique
- Randomized sponsor logos
- A bespoke content management system (PHP, MySQL, vanilla Javascript)
This was the fourth of the websites I designed for Dressage Ireland (the third was actually the Dressage Ireland website itself) and, as with the others, uses my results database.
It can be maintained entirely by the committee with little or no intervention on my part by using the bespoke content management system.
As with the other regional websites it continues to grow in complexity as more features are added.